I am a Year 5 student at Panmure Bridge School, Auckland, New Zealand. My teachers are Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie.
Monday, November 15, 2021
Basic Fact Boxes
Comment Thread
SSR Selfie | Fiction
I read a book called Ninja Kid 6 it's a fiction book.
The main characters are: Nelson, Kenny, Grandma, and Doctor Kane.
This story is about Nelson and Kenny want to go on ALL the rides at the halloween fair. But after shrinking themselfes with Grandma's size convert machine to make them a bit bigger for the rides, but suddenly then teeny tiny small to go anywhere or any rides. They ran as fast as they could to get Grandma to ZAP them back to normal.
I really enjoyed reading this amazing book. If you want to find out more about it read the image down below.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Comment Thread
I completed a task called Comment Thread. Comment Thread is a activity when someone comment on your blog or any social media and starts a conversation.
My teacher (She left the school.) Miss Cocoreme she commented on my Thursday Workout blog. When you write a comment thread you start off with a greeting like Hi, Hello, Ki ora you know what i mean then. You also need to write down a Compliment, and a Question.
Here is an example. Look below.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
SSR Selfie | Fiction
Today I read a book called The Puppy Who Couldn't Sleep.
The author of this book is Holly Webb
The main characters are Jet (The puppy), Dad, and Lara.
This book is about a black puppy that couldn't sleep at night because the world becomes a scary place for Jet and his howls keep the whole family awake.
I really enjoyed reading this book. If you want to read and find out more to what happened to Jet and the family look below to the image and read it.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Dance Mat Typing
I completed a task called Dance Mat Typing. This activity helps you know your letters on your keyborad without looking.
First I set up a 15 minute timer.
Then I put my fingers on the home row key. There was even the letters I, E, R, and U.
Lastly I pasted my results on to a google slide and wrote what I did to improve on.
I really enjoyed this activity. The hard letter are: I, E, R, and U.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Comment Thred
I completed a task called Comment Thread. This task is when someone comments on your blogs or social media and you reply and then the conversation keeps going and going.
One of my classmates commented on my blog post called SSR Selfie | Fiction.
When you write a comment thread you start off with a greeting like Hi, Hello, Ki ora you know what i mean then. You also need to write down a Compliment, and a Question.
Look down below to see a example of the comment thread.
I learnt how to do fraction with using shapes.
First I had to match the fractions with the shapes.
Then I had to shade and lable the shapes.
Lastly I had to make my own fraction, shapes, and had to shade it.
I really loved this task because it really helped me a lot with my fraction.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
SSR Selfie | Fiction Book
Monday, September 27, 2021
SSR Selfie - Fiction
I read a fiction book called Goosebumps Welcome to Camp Nightmare.
The main characters are: Billy, His mom, and his campers.
This book is about Billy, Mike and other children who went on a 'Camp Nightmoon'. They were missing their parents on the bus journey. The bus driver was wearing a rubber monster mask and the children got scared. The bus driver left the children alone in the jungle. That is all I can tell you, but you can read more by looking at my SSR Selfie.
I enjoyed this lovely book about Goosebumps. It also was interesting.
Emoji Story
I completed a must do task called Emoji Story.
First I had to think of a fiction book or a disney cartoon and I had to retell it, but with retelling it showing emoji.
Then once I had chosen one I had to find emojis that links to the story.
Lastly I put the emojis into the right order.
I really enjoyed this activity because it is a guessing game and I love guessing games.
How about you try to figure out this story.
Monday, September 20, 2021
Dance Mat Typing
I did a can-do activity called dance typing mat.
First I went on dancing typing mat and set up a 15 minute timer.
Then I put my fingers on the home row keys.
Lastly I put in my results on a google slide and wrote what do I need to inprove on.
I need to practise typing the right keys and looking at the screen.
Tuesday Workout
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Te Reo
First I wrote down a question in maori which is: Kei hea te toparere? (Where is the helicopter?)
Then I wrote the answer to the question in maori which is: Kei runga i te pukapuka. (On top of the book.)
Lastly I had to take a picture of the toparere on top of the pukapuka.
This task was ngāwari (easy) because I got to use the maori dictiondary.
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Basic Fact Boxes
I competed another speed demon challenge on my subtraction up to 20 My time was 5 minutes and 51 seconds and it was almost 6 minute. My score was 96 out of 100. Next time I could try a even harder level like up to 30 or 40.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Dancing Mat Typing
I completed a can-do activity called Dance Mat Typing. Dancing Mat Typing is an activity that help's you learn all your alphabite on the keybored without looking.
First I went on the dance mat typing and I setted up a 15 minute timer.
Next I placed my fingers on the home row keys. They are A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,: and there were new letters too.
To finish up I put my results into a google slide. Then I wrote what I need to improve on.
I need to improve on the letter M and V.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
SSR Selfie
Today I read a non-fiction book called Three Drones By Peter Griffin
Drones can be used to rescuing animals but especially rinos because they are the rarest animals in the world.
People will use drones to take picture of mines and then the builders can see what they need fix and build.
Drones are also helpful because they help people complete all sorts of things.
Basic Fact Boxes
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Comment Thred
I completed a task called comment thread. Comment thread is a task where you or someone else creates a coversation on your blog or there blog.
For comment thred one of my teachers commented on my Dance Mat Typing blog. You should always start with a greeting like Kia ora or Malo le lei or any kind of greeting. Then you ask question's about their work or replay to person who commented you. Then your coversation goes on and on.
Here is an example.
I worked on this activity called Madlibs. I had to write down: A boy's name, a Girl name, a colour, a place, a model car, a number between 8 - 13, Day of the week, and a type of fabric.
First we wrote down a boy name and a girls name and they were Joe, and Lucy.
Next we wrote down a colour and a place. The colour was blue and the place was KFC.
Then we wrote a type of car a number and a number between 8 - 13. The car was Mercedes benz, the number was 15, and the number was 11.
Lastly we wrote the day of the week and a type of fabric. The day of the week was Monday and the fabric was cotton.

Basic Fact Boxes
I completed the speed demon challenge addition up to 10.
It took me 3 minute and 19 seconds to complete the task. I got 100/100 right. Next time I am going to try an even harder level and be more faster a little.
Problem Solving
Today I used 'Place Value' and 'Written Algorithm' to solve math problems.
Firstly, I read the question - 'Leilani has already practiced for 24 minutes, 26 minutes and 17 minutes. She needs to practice 90 minutes. How many more minutes does Leilani have to practice?
Next I did 'Place Value'. First I did the addition of the ones which are 4+7+6=17. Then I did the addition of tens which is 20+20+10=50. Then I added the answer 50+17=67. Finally I subtracted 90-67=23.
Then I did 'Written Algorithm'. First I did the addition of the ones which are 4+7+6=17. I put 7 in the ones column and put 10 in the tens column. Then I added the tens which is 20+20+10=50 and I added 50+10=60, and I added the answer 60+7=67. Then I did 90-67=23.
Lastly, I checked If the answer was 23 and the answer was 23.
I like problem solving because it helps me to develop my math skills, but it was hard to understand.
Tongan Language
This week I did a Tongan Language week task.
Monday, September 6, 2021
Tuesday Workout
I did the Tuesday Workout. The workouts were: Wall Sits, Burpees, and Squats.
The first workout I did was wall sits. A wall sit is pretending to sit on a chair but using the wall.
The next workout I did was squats. Squats bending down like you're sitting on the toilet and your heels never come up.
The last workout I did was burpees. Burpees are doing a press up and jumping up.
These exercises were easy, but I was kinda struggling with the burpees because I kept slipping out.
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Dance Mat Typing
I completed a can-do activity called Dance Mat Typing.
First I went on the dance mat typing and setted up a 15 minute timer.
Next I placed my fingers on the home row keys. They are A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,: and there was two new letter. They are E and I.
To finish up I put my results into a google slide. Then I wrote what I need to improve on.
I need to improve on the letter E and I.
SSR Selfie
I read a fiction book called The Bad Guys Part 11.
This book is about the Shadow Squad saving the world from butt-handed. Then they started partying, but Mr snake dosen't feel like partying because he is too powerful.
I enjoyed reading this book because it kinda gave me gosebumps.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Thursday Workout
I did the Thurday workout. The workouts were: runing in the spot, wall sits, squats, and burpee.
Basic Fact Boxes Multiplacation
I completed another basic facts boxes, but multiplication.
I got all my answers correct and my time was 4 minutes and 55 seconds almost 5 minute.
Next time for my goal I will do division or up to 100 and to be more faster because I had to think about the questions.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
SSR Selfie
I read a book called Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier.
I read 1 chapter of the book. The main characters of the book are Catrina and her family.
Then I had to look for three word that I don't understand and look it up.
enjoyed reading this book because it is very interesting and it kinda gave me goosebumps. And next I could read a non-fiction book.
Basic Fact Boxes
I completed subtraction speed demon challenge.
My score was 100/100 and my time was 3 minutes and 49 seconds.
Next Time I will try to do a harder challenge, like up to 10.
Dancing Mat Typing
I completed a can-do activity called Dance Mat Typing. This activity is used to practise typing without looking at the keyboard.
First I went on the dance mat typing and setted up a 15 minute timer.
Next I placed my fingers on the home row keys. They are A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,:
To finish up I put my results into a google slide. Then I wrote what I need to improve on.
I need to improve practise on looking at the screen, not the keyboard.
Monday, August 16, 2021
Synthesis and QAR Templet
Today for reading we did a Synthesis template and a QAR template.
First we started on the synthesis template. We had to read a text and write down prior knowledge new information and new understandings.
Then I finished working on the prior knowledge new information and new understandings.
Lastly we worked on the QAR template. We had to read question and put them in right there, think and search, aurthor or you, and on my own and wrote down the answers.
I really enjoyed this task, but I could've tried a harder text.
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Water Safety
I went swimming to learn water safety.
First activity was line stroke. To do a line strok we had our hands out in front of our heads and with our legs kicking. Then we moved on to a different activity.
Second activity was arm circles. For example: We had to make circles with our arms with our legs kicking. We all successfully passed.
Last activity was dolphin diving with our hands up front and our legs kicking down. Then we got out of the swimming pools and came back to school.
I enjoyed swimming and learning more skills.
Monday, August 9, 2021
Today leanrt what opinons means. It means a thought of people have about a topic.
First I looked at a picture of an animal. When I looked at the animal and thought what it looked like. In my opinion I saw a rabbit but other people could see a duck and a hedgehog.
Then looked at a different picture. It was a elephant with more then 4 legs. I thought and counted the legs. In my opinion there were 6 legs and it was trying to trick me.
I enjoyed this task and learning optical illusions.
Check out the picture I found below.
Monday, July 5, 2021
How Trebuchets Works
Today for writing we learned about trebuchets. Trebuchets were a military weapon which could help people break castles by punching holes in their walls.
Here is the explanation of how a trebuchet works.
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Party Popper
My company created a party popper design.
First we modelled all the parts to see which would be best. For example we used a thicker rubber band instead of a short rubber band. We tested both rubber bands to see which one would hit the cup more effectively. We found out that the thicker rubber band worked more effectively than the shorter rubber band.
Afterwards we assembled our fixes that we are going to use. We changed the small plastic cup into a bigger plastic cup and used a whiteboard marker for our weight to shoot the filling out more stronger. The whiteboard marker was very strong when shooting up to the cup.
Finally we tested all the updated design options. All of the designed options worked very effectively and strongly.
I learned a lot about how to design a party popper and what it needs. My company skittle poppers, and I found out that all the parts work strongly and effectively.
LI: To make a prototype.
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Table Tennis
Today for PE we learnt how to balance when using a table tennis and practicing our skills.
First we learnt how to hold a table tennis bat. We had to hold the bat like you are shaking someone hand and then make a gun shape with your hands.

Then we practiced bouncing the ball with the bat with our forehand. The forehand is the front of your hand.
After when we bouncing the ball with our forehand we bounced the ball with the backhand. The backhand is where you indexs finger is infront.
Lastly then we played a game called "Table Tennis." You have to drop the table tennis ball and hit the tennis ball with 1 bounce in my side and 1 bounce to the other side of the table.
I enjoyed this activity because it is my first time trying out tabke tennis.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Frisbee Technique
Today for PE we did some skills with a frisbee working on our body balance.
We had four activities we had to play.
First was "Passing." First we had to face our partner and I throw the frisbee to each other from using our balancing position and our side position.
The next activity was I had to stop and then catch the frisbee while being in the air but when I come back down to the ground I had to be ready to shoot the frisbee into the goal.
Lastly we played a game called "Ultimate Frisbee." I had to try and score the frisbee into the goal but I had to focus and then throw the frisbee to my teamate and we weren't alowed to go into the shooting circle also we could only hold the frisbee for only 3 seconds.
I really enjoyed this activity, but I think I'll practice more on throwing a frisbee and catching one.
Translating Names
Today for maori I practiced translating maori names to english.
First I translated the Maori name and the English name like Aperahama into Abraham.
Next I wrote Maori names with Mr and Mrs colours like brown, green, black, and white.
Then I wrote the english lettters that the maori alphabet doesn't have.
Lastly I translated my name to a maori a name. That is Atu into Atu. My name is just as normal.
I think I need more practise on translating name from maori to english and to use the maori dictionary.
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Balancing on Equiment
Today we practiced our balancing skills, but on sport equiment.
They are: Volley ball, hockey, Soccer, Tennis, and Spoon and egg.
First was the soccer ball. We had to balance on one leg and balance the ball on our forehead. This activy was hard and fun at the same time because how we had to balance the ball on our forehead.
Monday, May 31, 2021
Basic Fact Boxes
I completed a speed demon challenge subtracting up to 20.
I got 100/100 correct and my time was 3 minutes and 31 seconds.
Next time I am going to add up to 20 or go a harder level.
I liked this activy because it really helped me with my subtractions.
Walking With ANZAC
This week we did reciprocal reading about World War 1. The roles are Leader, Predictor, Clarifier, Questioner, and Summarizer.
These helped us but Clarifier helped us the most because we found new words we didn't know. They helped me find new main ideas for summarising What We Invested and What We Lived.
I like this activity but Clarifier was my most favourite role because I could find tricky words and add them to my key word list. It increased my vocabulary and made my understanding clearer.
When we did What We Lived the one that helped me the most was Questioner because it questioned what we did or how we found things out.
I like this activity but asking questions was tricky.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Simple Machines
Did you know that there are 3 similar simple machines?
They are wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. The 3 similar simple machines help us do work quickly, easier and faster.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Calendars show us the Day, Week or Month.
Ther are 12 Months in a year, they are: Junuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
Months have 28, 30 or 31 days. There are number patterns on a calendar by looking for four connecting days for example 20,60, 100.
Knowing before and after number Sequence and 7 timetables help us reading a calendar.