Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Table Tennis

Today for PE we learnt how to balance when using a table tennis and practicing our skills.

First we learnt how to hold a table tennis bat. We had to hold the bat like you are shaking someone hand and then make a gun shape with your hands.

Then we practiced bouncing the ball with the bat with our forehand. The forehand is the front of your hand.

After when we bouncing the ball with our forehand we bounced the ball with the backhand. The backhand is where you indexs finger is infront.

Lastly then we played a game called "Table Tennis." You have to drop the table tennis ball and hit the tennis ball with 1 bounce in my side and 1 bounce to the other side of the table.

I enjoyed this activity because it is my first time trying out tabke tennis.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Frisbee Technique

Today for PE we did some skills with a frisbee working on our body balance.

We had four activities we had to play.

First was "Passing." First we had to face our partner and I throw the frisbee to each other from using our balancing position and our side position.

The next activity was I had to stop and then catch the frisbee while being in the air but when I come back down to the ground I had to be ready to shoot the frisbee into the goal.

Lastly we played a game called "Ultimate Frisbee." I had to try and score the frisbee into the goal but I had to focus and then throw the frisbee to my teamate and we weren't alowed to go into the shooting circle also we could only hold the frisbee for only 3 seconds.

I really enjoyed this activity, but I think I'll practice more on throwing a frisbee and catching one.

Translating Names

Today for maori I practiced translating maori names to english.

First I translated the Maori name and the English name like Aperahama into Abraham.

Next I wrote Maori names with Mr and Mrs colours like brown, green, black, and white.

Then I wrote the english lettters that the maori alphabet doesn't have.  

Lastly I translated my name to a maori a name. That is Atu into Atu. My name is just as normal.

I think I need more practise on translating name from maori to english and to use the maori dictionary.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Balancing on Equiment

Today we practiced our balancing skills, but on sport equiment. 

They are: Volley ball, hockey, Soccer, Tennis, and Spoon and egg.

First was the soccer ball. We had to balance on one leg and balance the ball on our forehead. This activy was hard and fun at the same time because how we had to balance the ball on our forehead.

Next one was tennis. We had to play normaly, but we had to balance on one leg. This activy was easy because we just had to balance on one leg.

After was hockey. We tried to play hockey on one foot, but it was difficult. 

Then it was volley ball. On volley we had to pass the ball as dig and a set on on leg. This was hard because how we changed actions.

Lastly was spoon and egg. We had to streach out our arm and try to bend as low as you can. This activty was my favourtie and hard at the same time because how we bended and when we come up it is harder than going down.