Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Frisbee Technique

Today for PE we did some skills with a frisbee working on our body balance.

We had four activities we had to play.

First was "Passing." First we had to face our partner and I throw the frisbee to each other from using our balancing position and our side position.

The next activity was I had to stop and then catch the frisbee while being in the air but when I come back down to the ground I had to be ready to shoot the frisbee into the goal.

Lastly we played a game called "Ultimate Frisbee." I had to try and score the frisbee into the goal but I had to focus and then throw the frisbee to my teamate and we weren't alowed to go into the shooting circle also we could only hold the frisbee for only 3 seconds.

I really enjoyed this activity, but I think I'll practice more on throwing a frisbee and catching one.

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