Monday, May 31, 2021

Basic Fact Boxes

I completed a speed demon challenge subtracting up to 20.

I got 100/100 correct and my time was 3 minutes and 31 seconds.

Next time I am going to add up to 20 or go a harder level.

I liked this activy because it really helped me with my subtractions.

Walking With ANZAC

This week we did reciprocal reading about World War 1. The roles are Leader, Predictor, Clarifier, Questioner, and Summarizer. 

These helped us but Clarifier helped us the most because we found new words we didn't know. They helped me find new main ideas for summarising What We Invested and What We Lived.

I like this activity but Clarifier was my most favourite role because I could find tricky words and add them to my key word list. It increased my vocabulary and made my understanding clearer.

When we did What We Lived the one that helped me the most was Questioner because it questioned what we did or how we found things  out.

I like this activity but asking questions was tricky.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Simple Machines

Did you know that there are 3 similar simple machines?

They are wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. The 3 similar simple machines help us do work quickly, easier and faster.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 Calendars show us the Day, Week or Month.

Ther are 12 Months in a year, they are: Junuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.

Months have 28, 30 or 31 days. There are number patterns on a calendar by looking for four connecting days for example 20,60, 100.

Knowing before and after number Sequence and 7 timetables help us reading a calendar.


Today we learnt some objects from around the kitchen. For example oumu this means oven.

I learnt how to say Kei hea te pene rākau? this means where is the pencil.

I also learnt how to say Kei raro i te tēpu? which means the pecil is under the table.

I thought this activity was fun beacasue I thought it could help me with my maori in class. 


 In PE we looked at balancing on one leg but with PE equiment.

First was the hockey stick. We had to balance on one leg while our partner pass the hocky ball. This challange was hard because we had to bend our leg.

Seconed was the frisbee. We had to do the same thing as hockey, but when we throw the frisbee our hips move diffrent direction. This challange was hard because we had to twist our body.

Third was the basket ball. With the basket ball we had to dribble the ball three times then pass it to your partner. This was hard becase we had dibble the ball then pass it.

Forth was netball. With the netball we did the same thing with basket ball but no dribbling. This challange was easy because we just had to pass the ball.

Lastly was the rugby ball. We had to do the same thing with frisbee. This challange was hard because we had to turn side ways to pass the ball.

The ones that were hard was: Frisbee and the rugby ball. They were hard because how our hips were moving differently to the other pieces of equipment.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Cause and Effect Vocabulary

Effect is what happend and the cause is why the effect happend.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Cause and Effect

This week I learnt about what a cause and effect.

Cause means why the effect happened and effect means what happened.

Then Mr Wong showed us an example.

After we had to make our own heres an example.

Lastly we had to get in our group to figure it out.

I should praticed more on my compound sentences.

Reciprocal Reading

We used reciprocal reading to help us read the Maori Pioneer Battalion.

First we chose a leader. The leader would pick people to do roles like the predictor, and would make sure everyone is listening to the person talking.

Next was the predictor. The predictor tells what the text is about. The predictor also has to ask questions like: Does anyone else have any predictons?

After was clarifier. The clarifier has to identify tricky words. The clarifier can also ask questions like: Does anyone else have something to clarify?

Then the questioner. The qusetioner has to answer questions like: What's your evidence, Why do you think that and does anyone else have any questions?

Finally the summariser. The summariser has to summarise what happened in the text. The summariser also has to ask questions like: Did I miss anything important?

My favorite role was the clarifier because I can find tricky words to add on my keyword list.

Here is my keyword list.

Tipping point

A tipping point is when your about to fall over but you catch your fall. 

I learnt how to use tipping points. 

To practice my tipping point the class played a game called Block Twister. The game is basically Twister but we used our square on the floor to play the game.

I enjoyed the the game, but itwas hard at the same becuase I was struggling with balncing


I learned how to tell people to pass something in Maori.

First we revision these words again: Tenei means here, tena tena means there and tera means way over there.

Then we learned a sentences in maori, "Hoatu te ..... ki te taha maui". That means to pass something to someone to your right.

I enjoyed the activty, but it was hard at the same time.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Maori Questions

 I learnt question that will help me in the classroom.

First I learnt what kua marama which means do you understand?

Next question was kua mutu which means finished?

Lastly I had to sort the country and find the moari way of the countrys name.

I think I need to pratice my questions more. 

Balancing skills

Group A learning about there body and balance. 

What we did first is talking about how to balance. Then we were talking about what was the strogest body part. After that our teacher Mr Ogilvie demonstrated an activty.

First one was finding a partner and start pushing them so they could feel when they weren't balanced.

Seconed activty was about balancing on a balancing beam. Mr Ogilvie showed us another activty with a balancing beam. First Mr Ogilvie fliped the beam upside down and then Mr Oglivie said to split equaly. Then two students had to cross without tuoching the ground.

The last one is about balancing on a soccer ball. All we had to do is to try balancing on the ball without falling.

I felt good and I should practice more on balancing 


Analog Time

Analog clocks are a peice of technology that helps tell time.

A clock has 3 mechanisms. The second hand moves around the clock 5 or 4 seconds.

The minute hand is the longest and moves when the second hand completes 1 rotation. 

The hour hand moves the slowest and moves between the big numbers.


An analog clock requices you to look outside to know if it is Morning or Afternoon.

Simple Machines

 Simple machines are tools that people use to move object easier. These are the simple machines:

  • Lever
  • Screw
  • Wedge
  • Wheel and axle
  • Pulley
  • Inclined plane.